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The Resilient Little Red Hen
The Little Red Hen: Resilience, Relationships, Baking, and the Loose Parts Theory of Storytelling!
Snow White: A Mirror on Self-Regulation
Mirror, mirror on the wall...who's the most resilient and least (?) self-regulated of them all?
The Emperor’s New Clothes & Some Naked Truths about Executive Functions
A pompous, vain emperor. Some sneaky weavers. And a child who sees the truth. Read on for how to use this classic fairy tale to nurture executive functions!
The Beauty of those Beastly Executive Functions
Both Beauty and the Beast are resilient and skilled with the protective factor of executive functions! Read on for why…and how EF can be developed in young fans of this universal tale!
The Ordinary Magic of Resilience: A Fairy Tale
A fairy tale about why fairy tales are the perfect stories for resilience, and how brave fairy godmothers, wise women, mages and wizards help the magical story weaver overcome the fairy tale haters!
Cobbling Together Executive Functions
Create an elvin makerspace and develop executive functions and resilience!
Lights! Shadows! Initiative!
Shadow play builds initiative, resilience and STEM…and is so much fun!
This Little Loose Part of Mine
Dreidels, candles and …potatoes??? as resilience-nurturing loose parts!
Dancing in the Streets…and Resilience
Dancing in the streets IRL vs The Twelve Dancing Princesses: what’s the deal with collective joy and resilience?